DSLR Buying Guide | DSLR Buying Guide For Beginners
Article for DSLR Buying Guide:
How to buy best DSLR digital camera ?
If you think to buy a new DSLR really it’s a good move. But you have a question that how to select a best DSLR digital camera. Info Lips is here to give short-info to select your perfect one. Mainly to be checked these 7 points. One size of image sensor, second picture quality resolution in megapixel. Third video recording quality, forth shutter speed, fifth Aperture, six body details with lens and finally other features like ISO, modes, photo editing features, WiFi bla..bla.. Before you go and select the camera do set your objects, some facts and features of it.
Info lips provide you below information to keep you update and sound knowledge to choose better one through this DSLR Buying Guide.

Let’s see for what DSLR we are going to take : DSLR camera is help us to take photos and videos. But there are so many models and makers are available in the market. Even normal digital cameras with higher megapixel resolution and maximum optical zoom are giving good quality. Now a days there are so many smart phones that gives us a perfect photos, with more resolution. But still DSLR is DSLR for best professional photography, it give a better impact, better quality even on expose and many more. Know more about information about DSLR with this DSLR Buying Guide.
A] Selection of camera level :
– If you are a beginner and don’t have photography experience, and you are going to use this camera to record your life, capture family functions, your travel tour, children memories or document a vacation, you should go with entry-level camera. e.g. Nikon D3200/D3300/D5300, Canon EOS-1300D, Sony Alpha A3000.
– If you have a middle-range level of photography experience, where you have some understanding of basic cameras functions, features and try to enhance your skills to the next level. Then you should go for a semi-professional camera. These cameras are having more complex features, better construction, and more adaptability. e.g. Nikon D7100/D300s, Canon EOS 60D, Sony Alpha A77.
– If you have good photography experience and looking to learn professional photography, then go for a professional camera. They have the most advanced sensor technology, speed, construction, and focus system. e.g. Nikon D800/D4, Canon EOS 5D Mark III/EOS 1D X, Sony Alpha A99.
B] Set your budget :
As per your uses level select your camera, sticking with your budget will help you pick out a camera in your price range. A good DSLR cost around $500 to $3,000. There are different type of brands available in the market like Nikon, Canon, Pentax, Olympus, Sony, Panasonic, FujiFilm with this DSLR Buying Guide.
- Entry level DSLRs camera cost around $500 to $800 for a camera kit including one lens.
- Semi-professional camera cost is around $1,200 to $ 2,200.
- Professional DSLR camera cost is around $3,000 to $10,000.
- Camera accessories, like additional lens, additional batteries, flash, memory cards, remote, tripod, body cover, lens cover, bags, cleaning kit etc. are addition in your budget.
1] Image sensor size :
This is the first and most important feature of your DSLR camera. But in reality very less people are known about the image sensor. Image sensor work for camera to capture the image, that we are selecting through our viewfinder and sends it to store. The bigger sensor, is more information capture on the screen, and it gives more cleared pictures, especially when they’re zoomed or expose. Bigger image sensor are more expensive than lower image sensor.

The largest size image sensor is called “full frame” and size is about 35 mm film, i.e. 36 mm x 24 mm. This size will gives you maximum clarity and good image quality.
Entry-level or mid-level DSLRs are about 22.0 mm x 16.0 mm, the micro “four thirds” sensor size is 17.50 mm x 13.00 mm. There are so many sizes are available in the market, know with this DSLR Buying Guide.
2] Picture Megapixel resolution
We are thinking that megapixel are the measure of camera quality. The smartphone manufacturers talk about megapixels all the time and they are marketing that this is important factor. In actual megapixel is not as important as we think.
Some photography experts state that if we have anything at about 7 megapixels, your prints will be sharp up to 14 ×11, which is bigger than mostly we print, and even initial-level cameras are having more than 15 megapixels. In-short any DSLR have more than enough megapixels, it not matter in DSLR range. So don’t worry about megapixels. If you see any difference, it’s purely due to lens or sensor quality than the resolution.
3] Video recording feature :
If you are thinking to use your DSLR for video recording, you have to check the video capabilities of your unit. Some cameras are record in full HD 1080 pixel, some are limited to 720 pixel or non-HD recording. Recording difference is set on the frame rates, higher rates will get better quality than lower rates. Video recording with a DSLR is really different than recording with others, so must thing about this.
4] Other feature :
Now a day’s almost all DSLRs are come with a different modes, i.e. Landscape, Portrait, Action, Night etc. Some are having unique to the brand or model, like Panorama, Food, Indoor, Sports, Scene Intelligent Auto, Street Photography, or Guide, which will help you to the use of the camera.
If you have DSLR you should learn to shoot in Aperture, Shutter speed, ISO in manual mode. It is the best way to go, but for this you have to take a help, play with it, and learn this art.
If you’re not able to use the aperture, shutter speed, ISO in “Manual” mode, you should use “Auto” mode, it gives you fine effect. Keep it in mind it’s not a DSLR solution.
Compare all the modes available in your option which is helpful for you and different from others.
Quick editing feature : Some models are offering photo editing feature to edit photos. Like back screen, applying filters, exposure settings, auto adjustments.
Of-course it can easily done on our computer, but its adding some extra value to the unit. Take more information with this DSLR Buying Guide.
5] Camera body :

While selecting DSLR there are some considerations that we may keep in mind, e.g. LCD view screen, size of display screen. Bigger display will help to select the shot comfortably. Some cameras have polycarbonate bodies, which are lighter. But keep in mind for extra durability or a soft kinder feel is important. Read more in this DSLR Buying Guide.
6] LENS :
There is massive verity are available from entry-level to mid-level- and up to professional-level cameras. In normal we are using 18–55mm zoom lens. This part can make difference in price of your select one.

That’s why some manufactures are offering camera body only. Then lens kit, memory card, strap, bag, or extra lens will added in your budget. Most probably try to grab it with time of purchasing camera, may you got good deal.
Last line : with this DSLR Buying Guide.
eThe more features are increase the cost, so Info Lips will suggest you to chose the one that meets your
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